Review 11/19/2008
This company will rip you off. They came out for a simple chimney cleaning and inspection. During the service I mentioned that we had excessive smoke coming into our living room during fires. The service man suggested putting our grate up on bricks and asked if we had any. I have a 6 week old who was crying to be fed at the time so I said I didn't have any bricks but would try his suggestion later. In what seemed like a nice gesture the man went to his truck and got 4 bricks for me. I was feeling pretty good about the quality of service until I saw the bill and the line indicating that I HAD BEEN CHARGED $30 FOR 4 USED BRICKS!!! When I asked him about the charge he said that if I called him up to do follow up work he would be glad to give me a discount. I felt uncomfortable forcing the issue alone in the home with my infant. New bricks are .42 cents at Home Depot. this was a man taking advantage of me and my situation.