Review 2/17/2010
Dr. Kofi,
I just had to stop by, and post a review with how my training has been going, and how the supplements I have been taking from KOFLEX Sports has been transforming my body! I train six days a week, and I train hard! Only way to look bigger, stronger, and better then the rest is to work hard! My training regiment is very strict! After I train I have my post meal workout which consists of oatmeal with MYOZEST Protein. I have two cups of oatmeal with two scoops of the Protein. About an hour after that, I take my meal replacement which consists of MYOVIBE with 8oz of water. I have reduced body fat tremendously, and I am putting on solid muscle! My skin is a lot tighter, and there is just so much more definition in every aspect of my body! My goal is to get a six pack before summer, and put on 15 pounds. I already have a four pack, and have gained 4 pounds of pure muscle! I know that my training with the KOFLEX Sports Supplements will help me get to my goal faster!!! I also RECOMMEND the DHP. I get great responses when taking my daily vitamins for the day. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your great supplements, and encouragement along the way of answering any questions I have had! KOFLEX!!!
Business's response - by Dr. Kofi A.on 2/20/2010
Thanks Ali for the awesome words about our premium supplements! South Beach wouldn't know what hit it...lol
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